Alyssa Townsend

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Snow White & the 7 Types of Stories You Need to Know

Fairytales. Otherwise known as Storytelling 101. You can easily break each and every one down into the anatomy of a story. You have your characters, plot, conflict, climax and resolution. 

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But breaking something down is easy.

Building it on the other hand...  

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Unless you have the right tools — a manual, guide, toolbox, even a foundation. 

Here’s one of my favorite fairy tales...

Once upon a time, there was a curious marketer who serendipitously met a 5-time Emmy award-winning filmmaker and teacher. They geeked out on psychology and storytelling and the chaos of SXSW. This meeting blossomed into a mutually beneficial opportunity. The marketer wanted to take one of the filmmaker’s courses. The filmmaker sought feedback on a beta course he and his team were developing. And the happily ever after is what you’re reading now.

While there are no evil queens or huntsmen in this tale, Patrick Moreau and his team at Muse Storytelling are magical in their own right for streamlining and sharing a scientific approach to storytelling. Their methodology, a patent-pending framework called Muse Process, allows you to create your own fairy tales and mesmerizing narratives that even your clients will want to read to their kids at night.

Well, maybe not those kind of fairytales and stories, but remarkable ones nonetheless that will leave a lasting impression.

As I made my way through the course, I laughed, cried and eagerly headed down the rabbit hole for more. It made me not only think differently about storytelling, but also about my story, and how I want it to be told — from my about page to the spoken word pieces I write and perform.

I started to wonder about the stories I love the most and why they resonate with me so deeply — from Rudy Francisco’s ‘Complainers’ and Shonda Rhimes’ ”Year of Yes” to Brene Brown’s ‘The power of vulnerability’ TED talk.

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These were not just teaching stories, impact stories and values stories — but stories told well, which made all the difference. 

So how can we — aspiring and practicing storytellers — tell our stories well? How can we stir feelings, evoke emotion and inspire our audience to act?

It all goes back to basics.


“Story is simply a retelling of events, real or imagined, often from a single perspective.”

It’s an experience — for both the character and audience. 

From utilizing psychological studies to employing anthropologists, the Muse team quite literally has it down to a science. And just in case you’re not an aspiring or practicing storyteller and wondering what the big buzz is around story, consider this — 

“Story allows us take our audience on a journey— one that swallows them up, sends them spinning, and leaves them altogether changed.”

But like, actually.

We’re psychologically transported through the narrative and at times, persuaded to change our beliefs.


Story influences our emotions, which are at the root of all decision-making. Thus, story — if told right — can lead to action. And the resulting action depends upon the story you tell.

In the course, Muse outlines “The 7 Types of Stories You Need to Know.”

  1. The Origin Story

  2. A Values Story

  3. The Why Story

  4. A Vision Story

  5. A Teaching Story 

  6. An Impact Story

  7. An Objections Story

Whether you’re looking to hook an investor, inspire your employees, teach an important principle, communicate the essence of your brand, or survive your evil step mothers assassination attempts, there’s a story for every objective and goal. 

The course provides the tools necessary to bring that story to life, and give you, your client and your audience the best shot at happily ever after.