Wander into Wisdom: How Idleness Leads to Innovation

Do you remember what it was like to be bored? I mean, before the time of smartphones, and smart screens and hyperconnectivity. Do you remember what it was like to just wait? In the doctor’s office (no magazines), at the bus stop for school, in line at the grocery store. With nothing in your hand and nothing on your mind…

Hang on to that feeling because apparently – it’s the key to innovation and creativity.

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Snow White & the 7 Types of Stories You Need to Know

Once upon a time, there was a curious marketer who serendipitously met a 5-time Emmy award-winning filmmaker and teacher. They geeked out on psychology and storytelling and the chaos of SXSW. This meeting blossomed into a mutually beneficial opportunity. The marketer wanted to take one of the filmmaker’s courses. The filmmaker sought feedback on a beta course he and his team were developing. And the happily ever after is what you’re about to read now.

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